João Sampaio

Backend Engineer


I'm a Senior Backend Engineer with over ten years of experience solving real-world problems effectively through technology, making a lasting impact on customers' lives, leading multi-disciplinary teams to achieve their goals, developing quality applications in complex domains, and shipping robust software to production in varied industries. Very detail-oriented, hands-on, and passionate about technology. Mutually exclusive, completely exhaustive modus operandi. Avid student for life.

I'm deep in the software industry and have faced various challenges. I've worked with companies worldwide, in person and online.

I'm passionate about the quality of code that remains working, readable, maintainable, performant, and scalable even after years of active development. A team of capable software engineers can write a high-quality codebase by implementing a mature engineering culture and applying good practices like a comprehensive automated test suite, thorough code reviews, and a solid delivery plan. The quality of the software is a decisive factor for a company's success, regardless of whether its core business is software. Good, reliable code lowers costs in many ways:

  • Adding new features does not become a task of untangling spaghetti code;
  • Fixing bugs does not create new bugs;
  • New developers will catch up faster, saving days or weeks of unproductive head-scratching;
  • Quality checks for every commit will guarantee that the existing codebase will not rot;
  • Deploys will be so smooth that they will look like magic.

On top of the above technical advantages, it also decisively:

  • Increases customer trust as a more robust, reliable platform with minimal-to-no downtime is not only appreciated but increasingly expected and essential;
  • Increases morale and developer confidence, often crucial to top talent retention.

The software industry constantly evolves, and new technologies are released almost daily. Engineers must be avid students for life and passionate about what they do to keep up with the pace of their industry. I always strive to be an example of those qualities.

I have a meticulous eye for details. When looking for solutions to a problem, I try to be as thorough as possible: attack the problem from every possible angle, covering all grounds. I have a mutually exclusive, completely exhaustive modus operandi that is central to my style of work.

I am open to hearing about new opportunities right now.